Publications Update # 31

How Will You Measure Your Life?
Harvard Business School’s Christensen teaches aspiring MBAs how to apply management and innovation theories to build stronger companies. But he also believes that these models can help people lead better lives. In this article, he explains how, exploring questions everyone needs to ask: How can I be…

You will not regret reading this article. It might change your life trajectory if you spend time reflecting on the questions presented in this article.
Productivity Hack
Despite the increased availability of speech-to-text software and its integration into medical records, healthcare providers' adoption of dictation software remains low. The easiest way to gain some time is to get better at typing.
Here is an interesting paper looking at various subspecialists' typing speed and age.

Digital disparities among healthcare workers in typing speed between generations, genders, and medical specialties: cross sectional study
Objective To investigate the typing skills of healthcare professionals. Design Cross sectional study. Setting Two large tertiary medical centres in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Participants 2690 hospital employees working in patient care, research, or medical education. Main outcome measures Part…

What is your typing speed? You can go to this website and determine your words per minute (wpm). If you are less than average (nearly 50 wpm), I highly suggest that you take a typing course or practice mindful typing to improve your accuracy and speed. - Typing lessons
Teaching the world to type at the speed of thought! Typing lessons that work.

Cervical Cancer
Safety and antitumour activity of cadonilimab, an anti-PD-1/CTLA-4 bispecific antibody, for patients with advanced solid tumours (COMPASSION-03): a multicentre, open-label, phase 1b/2 trial - PubMed
For the Chinese translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.

Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial cancer treatment is rapidly changing with the knowledge of molecular subtypes. Publications Updates have included updates on papers highlighting these changes in the past. For example,
This paper was featured in Publications Update # 4
Molecular subtype stratified outcomes according to adjuvant therapy in endometrial cancer - PubMed
Adjuvant chemotherapy is associated with more favorable outcomes for patients with p53abn EC, including stage I disease and non-serous histotypes, but does not appear to add benefit within MMRd ECs for any stage of disease, consistent with PORTEC-3 molecular subanalysis. Prospective trials, assessin…

Learning points: