GYOEDU Mentorship Academy

GYOEDU Mentorship Academy

GYOEDU's unique program blends the essence of mentorship with executive coaching to nurture new faculty toward excellence. The program draws from my leadership roles including Fellowship Director, Division Chief, State-wide Director for Quality Improvement, and the Founder of GYOEDU along with my leadership training at the Ross School of Business. This curriculum is designed to go beyond traditional executive coaching.

The program blends the critical elements of top leadership curriculums with their relevance to the practice of gynecology oncology.

The mentoring component aims to clarify career goals, enhance wellness, foster teamwork, and navigate the complexities of academic medicine.

The Key areas of focus include:


Training on effective negotiation strategies relevant to healthcare, including contract negotiation, securing institutional resources, and advocacy for better working conditions. Providing frameworks for navigating complex negotiations with hospital administration, and multidisciplinary teams.

Leadership Development:

Building leadership competencies to manage and lead multidisciplinary teams effectively. Training on emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and strategic decision-making. Discussion on effective communication, mentorship, and building a positive work culture.

Work-Life Balance:

Identifying stressors unique to gynecologic oncology, such as high patient acuity, the emotional burden of cancer care, and balancing surgical and non-surgical roles. Offering strategies for time management and self-care to mitigate burnout.

Transitioning from Mentee to Mentor:

Guidance on developing the skills needed to mentor junior colleagues, trainees, and medical students. Training on fostering a supportive learning environment, providing constructive feedback, and guiding career development.

Efficiency at Work:

Strategies to optimize clinical workflows, reduce administrative burdens, and use technology effectively. Discussion focuses on learning to delegate, effective team management, and improved collaborative practice.

Personal Financial Decisions:

Education in personal financial planning, retirement planning, investment strategies, and student loans and debts. Understanding the financial aspects of transitioning from academia to private practice or vice versa.

The program is ideal for Clinical Instructors and Assistant professors within the first five years of graduation.

For more information, please email support[at] and schedule a time to discuss whether this program is right for you.