Navigation Help

To help you navigate the website more easily, let me guide you through a few things:
- Publications Updates - This weekly newsletter highlights the new and exciting papers in gynecology oncology. A typical newsletter will include a non-medical article of the week that focuses on various topics, including leadership, wellness, work-life balance, etc. Most weeks, the publications update newsletter is delivered to your mailbox over the weekend. You can also read the previous publications update newsletters from this link: Publications Updates.

- Study Summaries - You can access the study summaries in two ways.
- Search for the study and see the results pop up instantly.

- Study Summaries Page- You can access study summaries here

- Surgical Videos - You can watch all the surgical videos available to GYOEDU subscribers by going to this link.
Surgical Videos - GYOEDU Plus

- Questions - You can access questions here: Questions. In the future, a lot more questions will be available to subscribers.
Finally, if you are interested, GYOEDU offers coaching and mentorship for new faculty members (Assistant Professors with less than five years in practice). If you want to learn more about that, please email me at
Shitanshu Uppal, MD MBA
Founder and Executive Director