Publications Update # 12
Non-Medical Article of the Week
We all have to give presentations. Some are not as high stakes as others - teaching med students/residents vs. departmental or invited Grand Rounds. Nevertheless, every presentation is an opportunity to improve your skills. There are plenty of materials available on the internet. If you already have favorite articles or videos that work for you, great. If not, here are a few you might want to archive in your collection to refer to when you are about to give a presentation.

If you have an hour to spare, this video by Prof. Patrick Winston (a computer scientist at MIT) is my favorite presentation on giving great presentations.
Endometrial Cancer
Sentinel lymph node dissections is now the standard of care for endometrial cancer in most developed countries. The FIRES trial established that the sentinel lymph node dissection had a sensitivity of 97% and a negative predictive value of 99·6%. Furthermore, the SENTOR study established that SLND is a viable option in high-grade endometrial cancer. Although most surgeons agree on using the sentinel lymph node technique for low-grade endometrial cancer, some centers still perform full lymph node dissection in high-grade endometrioid and type II endometrial cancers. Two prospective randomized trials to compare the oncologic outcomes of SLND vs. full lymph node dissection in high-risk endometrial cancer are underway, but the results are expected in 2027 and 2031, respectively.

However, there are several retrospective reviews supporting the oncologic safety of SNLD in this patient population. A non-exhaustive list includes these articles: