Video Tutorials
Ovarian Cancer
- Part1: Workup and initial management of a patient with carcinomatosis
- Part 2: BRCA, Genetics and Parp Inhibitors (OPEN ACCESS)
- Part 3: Surveillance and Recurrence
- Part 4: Treatment of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
- Part 5: Non-Epithelial Tumors of the Ovary (OPEN ACCESS)
- Part 6: Borderline Tumors and Mucinous Tumors of the Ovary
- Part 7: Management of Adnexal Masses (Delayed until Feb 2025)
Endometrial Cancer
- Part 1: Surgical Management of EIN/CAH Management
- Part 2: Workup and Initial Management of a Patient with Low-Grade Endometrial Cancer
- Part 3: Workup and Initial Management of a Patient with High-Grade Endometrial Cancer (Jan 2025)
- Part 4: Endometrial Sarcoma and Other Uncommon Histologies (Feb 2025)
- Part 5: Management of Recurrent Endometrial Cancer
Surgical Videos and Anatomy
Managing Complications
A Growing Library
Many more videos covering the basics of cervical cancer, molar pregnancy, GTN, and other gyn oncology topics will be released with every newsletter.
Coming Soon
Cervical Cancer
- Part 1: Workup and Management of Early Stage Cervical Cancer
- Part 2: Workup and Management of Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer
- Part 3: Radiation Therapy Basics
- Part 4: Advanced and Recurrent Cervical Cancer
Other Disease Sites
- Molar Pregnancy and Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia
- Cancer in Pregnancy
Managing Complications
- Part 2: Bowel and Bladder Injuries
- Part 3: Vascular Injuries
Surgical Tutorials
- Step-by-step guide to Laparoscopic Surgery - Entry
- Step-by-step guide to Laparoscopic Surgery - Taking the IP ligaments
- Step-by-step guide to Laparoscopic Surgery - Bladder Flap
- Step-by-step guide to Laparoscopic Surgery - Uterine arteries
- Step-by-step guide to Laparoscopic Surgery - Colpotomy and Closing the cuff
Well Being and Personal Growth
These are select articles that were sent as a part of the weekly newsletter Personal Growth Free Solo Mental Health in Surgeons Trauma Stewardship 3 Practices for Wisdom and Wholeness How Will You Measure Your Life? Leadership Styles How to Be a Successful Fellow (Also applicable to residents) The Good
Subscribe to the Newsletter!
What's included?
- Access to all free content (free videos, study summaries)
- Video tutorials covering the basics of Gynecology Oncology
- Select surgical videos appropriate for resident-level
- Twice monthly newsletter covering a one video tutorial of topics relevant to gynecology oncology disease sites, discussion relevant to work-life harmony, new relevant publications, and productivity hacks
- External links to select credible sources of surgical videos
Subscribe to GYOEDU Resident Newsletter
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