GYOEDU Subscription FAQs
GYOEDU offers a tiered subscription system where each additional service builds on the previous one. This means that to access higher-tier content, like the board review course, you must first subscribe to the base tier. Here's a breakdown of the available subscriptions:
Base Subscription:
- GYOEDU Newsletter
- Cost: $399 per year
Add-On Subscription:
- GYOEDU Board Review Course
- One-time fee: $2,100 (only available as an add-on to the newsletter)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I purchase the GYOEDU Board Review Course without subscribing to the newsletter?
No, the subscription model is tiered, requiring a base newsletter subscription to access the board review course. The platform does not allow standalone access to the board review course.
I subscribed to the board review course and paid $2,499. What happens at the time of renewal?
When it's time to renew, you’ll only be charged $399 for the newsletter subscription. The board review course is a one-time fee, so you won’t be charged for it again unless you cancel and re-subscribe later.
I already have the newsletter subscription and now want to subscribe to the board review course. What should I do?
You can follow the instructions on this page to add the board review course to your existing subscription.

How long will I have access to the Board Review Course?
You will have access to the board review course for the year you subscribed and an additional year on request. This extended access ensures you won't have to pay again if you need to retake the exam. However, please note that you must maintain your newsletter subscription to keep access to the board review course.
I am a fellow and interested in subscribing to the board review course. How long will I have access to the videos?
If you’re a fellow, you can receive additional time with the materials. Email us with your fellow status, and we’ll extend your access. Remember, if you cancel the newsletter subscription, you will lose access to the board review course, even as a fellow.
Will the Board Review Course videos be updated regularly?
Yes, the videos will be updated as needed. New videos may be added beneath existing ones to cover updates in management, or older videos may be redone if it improves learning.
I have a question that isn’t answered here. What should I do?
For additional inquiries, email us at: support [at] gyoedu [dot] org
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