Agile Work Methodology - For Families

The Agile method originated in the software development industry during the late 20th century as a response to rigid traditional project management methodologies. Agile breaks projects into small units (sprints), completed in short iterations, allowing for regular product inspection and swift adaptation. This approach increases efficiency, enhances product quality, and accurately meets customer needs.

In his TED talk, Bruce Feiler discusses how adopting an agile approach can increase productivity and reduce stress for businesses and families. He shares that children wish their parents to be less tired and stressed, which is achievable through agile development techniques like tackling tasks in small increments. Feiler emphasizes the need for self-management in teams, adaptive leadership, and enabling children or employees to make decisions and learn through their successes and failures. Focusing on strengths and past achievements fosters a sense of belonging and understanding of the group's journey.

Feiler asserts that happiness and greatness are not circumstantial but a result of deliberate creation and choice.

HBR Article and TED Talk

The Agile Family Meeting
After fifteen years of research on what makes for a happy family, the author stumbled upon a surprising idea: that techniques borrowed from agile development can work just as well for family meetings as they do at work. He recommends a weekly family meeting that is based around just three questions:…