Publications Update # 15

Publications Update # 15
Fields in Chelsea, MI (Outskirts of Ann Arbor). Photograph by @uppals

Non-Medical Article of the Week

Free Solo Surgery Lecture By Dr. Andrea Merrill

Free Solo Surgery - PubMed
Free Solo Surgery
GYOEDU will be launching a coaching option soon. If you are interested, please email me at gyoedu[at]gmail[dot]com.

Questions of the Week

What is the most common cause of death in patients with post-splenectomy sepsis?
A. Streptococcus pneumonia
B. Haemophilus influenzae
C. Neisseria meningitidis
D. Staphylococcus aureus

What is the recommended interval for pneumococcal vaccination PPSV23 booster in asplenic patients?
A. 1 year after the prior PPSV13 dose
B. 5 years after the prior PPSV13 dose
C. 10 years after the prior PPSV13 dose
D. No further vaccination is needed

Answers: See the splenectomy section below

Cervical Cancer

Several retrospective studies showed that minimally invasive radical hysterectomy is safe. However, the LACC trial and the population-based study from Melamed showed that the risk of recurrence was higher in MIS patients. Since the publication of those papers, several studies have come out both supporting and refuting the higher recurrence rates in MIS radical hysterectomy.

This most recent study from Italy focuses on low-risk cervical cancer patients with tumor size <2 cm; no lymphovascular invasion; depth of invasion <10 mm; and no lymph node involvement. The 10-year survival was ~95% in both arms.

Ten-year outcomes following laparoscopic and open abdominal radical hysterectomy for “low-risk” early-stage cervical cancer: A propensity-score based analysis - PubMed
Our study appears to support emerging evidence suggesting that, for low-risk patients, laparoscopic radical hysterectomy does not result in worse 10-year outcomes compared to the open approach. However, further research is needed and open abdominal radical hysterectomy remains the standard treatment…


Splenectomy Article and Video:

Splenectomy via the posterolateral approach in ovarian cancer
Splenectomy is the second most common upper abdominal procedure in ovarian cancer,[1][1] due to metastatic tumors in the splenic capsule, pedicle, or parenchyma. Pancreatic damage, resulting in a pancreatic fistula, is not uncommon after splenectomy, especially in patients who underwent

Vaccinations Guide Post Splenectomy:

Asplenic Vaccines
Vaccine Post-splenectomy recommendation Pneumococcal • Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13) • ≥8 weeks after PCV13: pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23) • Five years later: a second dose of PPSV23 Meningococcal ACWY • Two doses given ≥8 weeks apart • Revaccinate every five years Meningoc…


Question 1 - A

Question 2 - B

Random Interesting Paper

Availability, Cost, and Consumer Ratings of Validated vs Nonvalidated Blood Pressure Devices
This study examines the availability, cost, and consumer ratings of blood pressure–measuring devices relative to validation status across 10 countries.

As medical professionals, we often recommend our patients purchase blood pressure cuffs online. However, a recent study has raised concerns about the accuracy of these devices. For instance, patients may report that their blood pressure is well-controlled at home while on Bevacizumab therapy yet experience elevated levels during in-person appointments due to anxiety. To address this issue, the authors suggest having patients bring their devices to the clinic for verification. This is a simple but effective solution that can ensure accurate readings.

That is it for this week